About Me

Welcome to my blog! :) Im Jessica, 25 years old and i have 2 boys; a nearly 2 year old and a 5 year old. I started this blog as a reference for myself, also due to having lots of people asking me what the heck clean eating is and how i do it with kids!

I love my children, my partner, eating and living clean/healthy, tattoos, shoes and organisation.

I run my own business called Zeivah Boutique, selling mostly women's shoes and clothing, (shameless plug lol: www.zeivahboutique.com.au) and im studying Small Business Management. I also plan to study Fitness and Nutrition when my youngest is at school

Im hoping you find everything you need here to help you and your family have a clean and healthy life; WE as parents can change the future that is heading towards a sugar filled, unhealthy, overweight country! If i can just help ONE family to switch to clean eating i will be happy, its really easier than you think!

Jessica xx

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